Libra love Horoscope


July 2024 - The month begins with hope, Libra, as Mercury moves into Leo on July 2 and activates your eleventh house of aspirations. Creative and confident communication, especially in groups, will create major impact. As you express your ideas with charisma, people are drawn to your vision. On the fifth, the Cancer new moon in your tenth house of career encourages you to pursue a goal that brings both professional excitement and a sense of heartfelt purpose.

Love flows abundantly when Venus enters Leo on July 11 and your social life receives an exciting boost of energy. This is a time to build connections that honor individuality and encourage collective joy. You could find yourself drawn to eccentric people. When Mars arrives in Gemini on the twentieth to awaken your ninth house of adventure, opportunities emerge for you to expand and explore.

A powerful Capricorn full moon in your fourth house of intuition on July 21 provides the strength you need to release long-held emotional baggage. Remember that it’s safe to let go. Comforting self-love practices or ancestral healing during the full moon will provide nourishing support.

All hands are on deck when the sun enters Leo on the twenty-second! You could be taking the lead with a group project or team goal. As you pursue your wildest dreams with courage, your ability to engage others in creative and meaningful ways grows. Follow the inspiration and it will lead you to the most abundant path forward. Mercury enters healing Virgo on July 25, awakening your imaginative, spiritual side.

Good luck this month, Libra!

Standout days: 3, 11, 21
Challenging days: 5, 13, 27

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Quote of the Day Ability may take you to the top, but it takes character to stay there. — William Blake