Cancer career Horoscope


July 2024 - This month, your skills are your currency.

There is a new moon in Cancer on July 5. Cancer, You’re starting your lunar year, and that means that the more new things you do, the more money you’re going to make over the next twelve months. Look for new financial opportunities. They are all around you.

Mars conjoins Uranus in Taurus on the fifteenth. A friendship could turn out to be a vital career connection. This person might understand business or perhaps work for the company you want to work for. A friend could surprise you today by opening a major door for you.

July 21 brings the full moon in Capricorn. Cancer, you and your partner might have a serious discussion about your career. Or it’s possible they have a career opportunity that will disrupt the family or your relationship. If you are single, you could meet someone who is interested in both business and pleasure.
On the twenty-second, the sun enters the sign of Leo and then opposes Pluto in Aquarius. True wealth is created through compound interest over time. Today, you might see that in action as you uncover a business opportunity. A small win today could pay off handsomely in the future.

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Quote of the Day Ability may take you to the top, but it takes character to stay there. — William Blake