Leo career Horoscope


July 2024 - This month, your uniqueness is an asset.

There is a new moon in Cancer on July 5. Leo, you might start planning your finances for an important milestone. This is a good time to start a savings account for a wedding, house, or college tuition.

Mars conjoins Uranus in Taurus on the fifteenth. There could be major changes at your job or in your industry. This might open new possibilities for you. Search the news that comes to you today for hidden opportunities. This could mark a great beginning.

July 21 brings the full moon in Capricorn. Leo, the investment you made in your skills can really pay off now. Make sure you add them to your resume. Or let your supervisor know that you are fluent in another language, understand photo-editing software, or have good negotiating skills.

On the twenty-second, the sun enters the sign of Leo and then opposes Pluto in Aquarius. One connection could change your life. This is a great day to reach out to people you’d like to work with. Send direct messages to those you admire. See if you can strike a deal.

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Quote of the Day Ability may take you to the top, but it takes character to stay there. — William Blake