Capricorn career Horoscope
December 2024 - This month, you’re creating a strong foundation.
On December 1, there is a new moon in Sagittarius. You are coming to the end of your lunar year, and it’s time to assess your progress. This is a good time to take an unflinching look at the numbers and statistics for your business or job. Look at where you had success and take a moment to celebrate. Also, look at what you need to improve and make a list.
Mars in Leo goes retrograde on the sixth. Mars will be retrograde until February 23, 2025. During this time, it’s important to review your investments carefully. Look at fees and other constraints that prevent your investments from growing.
The Gemini full moon is on December 15. Winning in business means winning the day. Capricorn, look at your routines and see where you’re drifting instead of focusing on your priorities.
There is a new moon in Capricorn on the thirtieth. This is a black moon, the second new moon this month. Capricorn, you have good plans, and now you need to get the work done. Turn off the distractions for some good-quality, productive time. You can get more done in less time when you focus.
On December 1, there is a new moon in Sagittarius. You are coming to the end of your lunar year, and it’s time to assess your progress. This is a good time to take an unflinching look at the numbers and statistics for your business or job. Look at where you had success and take a moment to celebrate. Also, look at what you need to improve and make a list.
Mars in Leo goes retrograde on the sixth. Mars will be retrograde until February 23, 2025. During this time, it’s important to review your investments carefully. Look at fees and other constraints that prevent your investments from growing.
The Gemini full moon is on December 15. Winning in business means winning the day. Capricorn, look at your routines and see where you’re drifting instead of focusing on your priorities.
There is a new moon in Capricorn on the thirtieth. This is a black moon, the second new moon this month. Capricorn, you have good plans, and now you need to get the work done. Turn off the distractions for some good-quality, productive time. You can get more done in less time when you focus.
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